Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The 9/11 Mosque? Actually, It's Just a Community Center, but who cares? It's Private Property!

Well, it seemed for a short moment that BHO had actually displayed principles, not to mention balls, but it turned out to be a mistake on his part, a misunderstanding on ours.

Here's an idea. First of all, two blocks in Manhattan is a lifetime, setting up a community center a full two blocks from the still vacant WTC site really can't be interpreted as any kind of message, period. More to the point, we live in the USA, and we adhere to certain principles. One of those is respect for private property -- one can do with one's property what one wants within the bounds of the law. Blowhards such as Newt Gingrich are free to put their money where their mouth is, i.e., buy the property in question, the one they're blowing hard about, and build a 9/11 shrine on it or whatever else they feel is appropriate. One thing they can't do is complain about the current rightful owner's use of the property to put it to whatever lawful use he chooses to.

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